Looking to spring clean your finances?

Photo: blackthorn blossom

Make your money go further:

Have a money health check and make your money go further by using a free budgeting tool to see where you stand – no calculator needed!

1. See what you spend money on. You can track your spending with this phone app, Spendometer. See how much you spend on a weekly or monthly basis. Keep track while you’re out and about – and it’s free!

2. Keep track of money coming in an out. Try a 5-minute budget planner from the Money Advice Service, it shows you if you’re spending too much and what you spend on different categories.

3. Check your entitlements. Check what benefits and tax credits you might get by using a benefit calculator such as Entitled To or Turn2us.

4. Get advice on options for debts. If you’re behind with key bills, you can use National Debtline’s MyMoneySteps to get free debt advice in 20 minutes. You will need an email addres to sign up for this.

Don’t forget you see what local and national advice is available by looking at our Advice Directory under Money and Debt.