Finding advice: videos to guide you through family court

Family sitting at a dinner table - picture to illustrate how to represent yourself in family court

Videos to guide you through what happens at a family court.

If you have a Family Law problem, you may need to represent yourself. These videos to guide you through family court have been created by a group of family lawyers in Bristol as a guide for people. They are presented by a Bristol Family barrister and show you what happens at a Family Court if you don’t have a lawyer. Read more on the Family Court Information website:

Video 1: Preparing for your first court hearing
Video 2: The hearing itself
Video 3: Giving evidence and challenging evidence
Family law advice online and locally

Video 1: preparing for your first court hearing

This video looks at important things you may need to think about when going to family court, such as:

  • who you need to speak to in the court building
  • where you might need to go
  • who you might bring with you

Video 2: the hearing itself

This video looks at important things you may need to think about when you are in the court hearing, such as:

  • the layout of the court
  • the role of CAFCASS
  • what might happen at the first hearing

Your rights around family issues can be complicated. If you are unsure about your rights and responsibilities about family issues, you should get more detailed advice.

Video 3: giving evidence and challenging evidence

This video looks at important things you may need to think about when in a family court hearing, such as:

  • answering questions
  • how to represent yourself as best as possible

Family Law advice online and locally

Your rights around family issues can be complicated. If you are unsure about your rights and responsibilities about family issues, you should get advice. See below for your options.

National helplines:


Face-to-face: go to our Advice Directory and click ‘Family’. This will give you:

  • Advice – face-to-face help
  • Self-help – online resources and national advice helplines that you can access yourself
  • Support- organisations offering support